When we arrived at Popenki this morning Nastya and her relatives were waiting in their car for us at the gate. We dropped the team off so they could start some of the projects while we went on a picnic with Nastya's family. We got into Alexander and Alla's (Nastya’s aunt and uncle) car and drove about 10 minutes to a grassy spot by the river.
Alexander wore a sweater that had an American flag on it and made sure we knew he wore it just for us (smile).
Once we were situated, Alexander unloaded a box of sticks from his car and built a fire for the chicken. Anna, Alla, Nastya and I sat on a blanket and looked at pictures of Nastya’s family. Alla showed us pictures of her family including Nastya’s mother (who died when she was 9 months old).
Chris taught Nastya how to use our camera (now she wants to be a photographer). She snapped a few pictures here and there and had everything on the camera figured out before we left. We picked flowers and Nastya demonstrated how to make a crown like the one she gave me the day before.
We learned that she loves to do crafts and work with her hands. You can give her just about anything and she’ll find something to make. For special occasions the orphanage allows a professional photographer to come to the orphanage and take pictures of the children. The children are allowed to dress up and get their pictures taken as many times as they like. Here are some of the pictures Alla gave us...
During our conversation we got the chance to ask the aunt and uncle what their plans were for the child. We did not want to bring the subject of adoption up without knowing that first – although I am sure they knew because they immediately told us they could not provide for her and give her a good future. Anna translated to us that they saw good in us and knew we had only good intentions for Nastya. They told us they would do all they could on their end to help us make this happen. We asked if Nastya would want this and Alla let us know they had already talked to her. She wants a family and likes us. I am sure Nastya understands as much as an 8 year old can about adoption. Since Nastya was informed of everything we asked that they tell her that this could take some time but we are going to do everything we can in the meantime. Alexander and Alla both want the best for Nastya and we can see that. I cannot put into words how it felt to hear them speak so highly of us.
As we were leaving Chris pointed out that the sun was shining down on our picnic. Alexander said, “God is with us”. And we looked at each other and in that moment knew, “YES HE IS!”
When we got back to the orphanage we spent time with the children for a few hours during their break. Betty and I made cross necklaces and Sang Jesus Love the Little Children. Chris and Mike drove to the nearest city, Ribnista to pick up more supplies for their projects. Anna and Kim made dolls with some of the smaller children. Before we knew it the children were back to their schedule and it was time for us to leave.
As we were getting ready to pack up, Nastya’s class walked past us on their way to the cafeteria. She ran and jumped into my arms and started telling me all her friend’s names. We were able to communicate as much as we needed. We walked together to the cafeteria. She pulled my arms down towards the ground like she wanted me to sit and motioned me to stay and wait for her to come back out. I was not sure how long she would be eating so I walked back over to the rest of the group. A few minutes later I turned around and saw her class walking towards us. She jumped into my arms again and we said goodbye. I told her I loved her very much. She didn’t need to understand English to know!