Today was our first visit to Popenki. It was about a 2-hour drive from where we are staying in Tiraspol. On our way, Anna spoke with the director confirming that we would be meeting Nastya’s aunt and uncle today, which we had been told, would be a possibility. Once we pulled through the infamous Popenki gates, emotions started to set in. It’s still hard for me to believe I’m here again and so close to Nastya especially after everything that’s happened this past year.
We piled into the director's office thinking we were going to discuss the plans for the week as far as construction projects and crafts for the children. We wanted the director to approve everything we had planned for the kids. The director then tells Anna that Nastya and her aunt and uncle are on their way to meet us. Thinking she meant later that day, I sat down and as I looked up Nastya was coming through the door with her aunt, uncle and 16-year-old cousin. When she walked into the office and sat down in her aunt’s lap all we could do was look at her. It all happened so fast but I will never forget her walking into that room.
At first things were a little awkward with so many people in the room listening and watching with intent (they all know the story). I had wanted to ask so many questions about her but all of a sudden I just wanted to look at her. I wanted to see that smile and hear those giggles. After a few minutes I was able to regain myself and we introduced ourselves. We showed Nastya photos of our boys, asked her about school and her friends and about the things she likes to do. Anna told the aunt and uncle a little about our story and how we came to know Nastya. Once that was done we fumbled a little with where to begin – not knowing what was appropriate. We didn’t know these people and they didn’t know us. We just know there’s this little girl we love so much and perhaps they do too. At that time the 4 other members of our team (Betty, Anna, Kim and Mike), and 3 others from Help the Children (Mark, Sergei, and Natalia) decided to leave the room so that we could get to know each other alone. We talked a while longer about why Nastya is in an orphanage, learned a little about her family, and flipped through photos of our family. Nastya held on to the photo book we made her and flipped through it several times. One of the photos was of the boys holding a framed picture of her. We wanted to help her see that they know who she is. She seemed to really like that one picture.
She also seemed to like another picture we took of a letter Mason wrote when we first decided to adopt. It is a letter to his sister saying how excited he is to meet her and that she (whoever she may be) is going to be the best sister.
Anna read the letter in Russian to Nastya. After reading the letter the aunt asked Nastya if she would like to have 2 brothers (okay obviously she’s getting the point of why we are meeting) and Nastya responds with a smile -"yes". The translator communicated that she wants to be a BIG sister (well, in this case she would be). Once on the subject about things she likes to do I found myself on the floor getting my hair braided by Nastya, herself (the girl can braid, my friend).
Her family also showed us videos of her dancing (and she can dance too).
After we had taken 1200 pictures of her, learned her REAL birthday again for the 3rd time (we’ve celebrated it twice this year 2 different months), learned she likes the color red, pasta, potato salad, crab salad, not a lot of sweets, school, computers, dolls, dance, and wants to be a hairstylist we exchanged emails with her relatives and decided to go outside. The uncle suggested we have a picnic on Wednesday to get to know each other more. Never would we have guessed this entire day.
While we talked a little more with the director, Nastya spent time with her relatives before they left. Once we were packed and ready to leave for the day Chris, Mike and I got into the car with Mark while the others loaded into the van. As we drove off I looked to my right and saw Nastya, her aunt, uncle, and cousin waving us to stop. Mark backed the car back down the drive and I opened the door to Nastya handing me a crown she had made from dandelions (and she can make a crown out of flowers too!). She smiled and giggled (because that’s what she does) and I squeezed her as the tears poured from my face so happy we didn’t leave a second sooner.
God told me on the plane here “He is with us”. He told me this morning to “climb the mountain”. That’s what we are doing and no matter the outcome, NOTHING can steal the JOY of this day.
Tonight we received a nice email from Nastya’s aunt and uncle and attached was a picture of Nastya. A sweet ending to the day.