Today the children did not have school so we were able to be with Nastya and her class all day.
We are grateful for all the time we had with her. When we arrived we took her class to the gym and played games/relays with the children while Mike and Chris worked on replacing light fixtures.
The children were so excited that we were back. Nastya was wearing the leggings we got for her – for the 2nd day. We spent a lot of time playing outside – the sidewalk chalk was a hit! Nastya wrote my name in Russian and drew a heart around it (1st time I cried)
Oleg and Marina met us this morning – so it was great to see them too. They will be with us tomorrow as well.
The orphanage prepared lunch for us today – it was very good.
The director offered to let us stay at the orphanage next time we come to visit. She was very appreciative of everything we were doing for the children. She allowed us to look at Nastya’s file and answered some of our questions. She told us that she was not against us adopting Nastya. She said she would miss her but that she needed a better future (2nd time I cried). She is a sweet lady.
Today Nastya asked me to take her home with me (3rd time I cried). I asked Anna to tell her that Chris and I are going to do everything we can. We told her that it could take a long time but we would not forget her and that we would keep in touch. I decided that it would be a good idea to learn “I love you” in Russian this morning. And so, I probably told her 50 times. I prayed over her and just watched her.
Of course she asked to play with my camera today and or course I let her. She took about 200 pictures. Every once in a while she would give it up to let another child take a picture of her and me.
She took me into her building and into her bedroom to see where she sleeps. When we got to the girls room she ran and grabbed her stuffed owl (we sent her 2 months ago). I was so happy to see that she got it and understood it was from our family. She showed me her bed and Betty prayed a sweet prayer over it (4th time I cried).
Her class wanted to show us a dance they learned…will post the video of Nastya dancing with her class soon.
She’s got Chris, Kari, Hello, and Goodbye down. Not bad after 3 days. Between her English, the little Russian we’ve learned and the hugs and kisses we are working it out!
She wanted to know if we would be back tomorrow. Tomorrow is our last day and we are going to have to say goodbye. Please continue to keep us all in your prayers. This is going to be hard.
Tonight we met with a legal expert in Transnistria (a friend of Mark’s). We met at her house and she was able to answer a lot of our questions. This would be a book in itself – so I’ll just say, she gave us much needed information.
Thank you for all the emails of encouragement and HOPE. God has been with us since we boarded the plane on April 29th and He’s not leaving - there’s no doubt.