Friday, April 1, 2011

Fundraising for Popenki Orphanage

During our trip to Transnistria we will spend a week at the Popenki Orphanage.
Below are the items the orphanage currently needs. I will be getting an updated list shortly. For now, this is what we know is needed...
-Hot water boiler and installation (the building does not have hot water)
-Light fixtures
-Curtains in bedrooms
-Specific personal items needed for the children. There are 300 children at this orphanage.

If you would like to help with funding the construction aspects of this trip please prayerfully consider a monetary donation.
Anyone interested can email me at until I can get something set up through PayPal and we will coordinate from there.

Donations are tax deductible.
Make checks payable to "U Matter" and I will then be able to send you a receipt.
Be sure to designate to "Popenki Orphanage, Transnistria"

Here is a breakdown of our $2500 goal:

$550 water boiler
$250 hire someone to install the boiler (if team is unable to accomplish)
$450 curtains for girls bedroom...funds have already been raised for this category
$250 replace light fixtures to code
$1000 Misc projects (details coming) and items for children

All donations will go straight to purchasing the items needed to complete the above projects. Since we leave in just a few weeks, we will need to receive all donations by Monday April 25th.